This weekend, I am back in Washington, D.C., marking the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington. It's not just a date in a history book; it's a moment that resonates deeply with me, especially as I prepare to join the SCLC Board of Directors. Many of you know that I consider Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. not just a historical figure but my historical mentor.
The March on Washington wasn't just about a gathering; it was a powerful statement of unity, hope, and a demand for justice. It was a call for civic engagement-a call that still echoes today.
This weekend is not just about remembering; it is about understanding its profound impact on the civil rights movement and how it continues to inspire us to step up, speak out, and engage in our communities for the betterment of our communities. The 1963 March wasn't just a one-day event. It was a culmination of dreams, struggles, and the unwavering belief in a better tomorrow. It reminds us that we can move mountains when we come together with a shared purpose. That spirit of unity and purpose-driven action is still alive.
Today, I am reminded of the importance of staying engaged and being part of something bigger than ourselves. It's about understanding our past, being present in our actions today, and shaping a brighter future.
So, as we commemorate the March on Washington, may we not just look back; may we look forward asking, "How are we engaging in our communities? How are we carrying forward the legacy of those brave souls who marched for justice and equality?" And most importantly, how are we ensuring that their dreams and aspirations don't just remain dreams?
"The time is always right to do what is right." So, let's take a moment to reflect, to appreciate, and then to act.
Stay inspired, stay engaged, and, as always, be well and brave.
-Tray T.S. Deadwyler, CVM, CLC, CBC
The Service Nerd
Think For Good, Inc.
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